How to Improve Your Confidence
The earlier you figure out how to be confident in yourself, the more you’re likely to achieve in life.
To me, confidence is knowing that, whatever happens, I’ll be ok. This shift in mentality to loosen up and take life as it comes has completely changed how I approach anything and everything.
It’s given me the ability to find inner peace and be truly happy with my life.
So how did I get here?
The most important thing to remember is that no one really knows what they’re doing in life. At some point, everyone will find themselves in a position where they have to figure things out in order to change their reality, fix a problem or achieve a goal. They probably failed more than once too.
This brings me onto the next point: you’re smarter than you think. You’d be surprised how many things that you think are common knowledge would blow the minds of people around you.
If you find yourself in a situation where you’re suffering from imposter syndrome, the best thing to do is to fake it. It seems cliche, but simply acting the part can often lead you to actually being the part.
Become reliable to yourself. When you decide to do something, write it down and execute it. In the same way other people rely on you, be able to rely on yourself.
Don’t give up. There’s nothing wrong with taking a break to regroup - life can be harsh and cruel sometimes. If you fall short of what you were aiming for, adjust your mindset and approach, and try again.
Understand your own value. You deserve love, respect and approval - from yourself. Once you learn how to give this to yourself, you won’t need external validation but you will attract the right kind of support. You won’t have all the answers - no one does - but whatever the situation, know that you’ll figure it out.
Always ask questions. Never take something at face value. If someone tells you something, or you read a piece of information - question it (either to yourself or others). This will help you become a better judge of character.
Get out of your comfort zone. Do hard things - they help you grow. No one likes to be uncomfortable or push themselves into a situation that is unfamiliar. But this is where the most personal growth happens. You will never live a remarkable life if you don’t challenge yourself to try new things.
And while you’re trying new things, try to have zero expectations of how things will go. Seriously. Approach every new day and situation with an open mind and try not to think about how things might turn out. Life is an adventure - why ruin the surprise of what’s to come by trying to guess the outcome?
Remember that nothing in life is owed to you. Everything you have, acquire or achieve is a bonus of being alive.
The world does not revolve around you. This might sound harsh but everyone is guilty of this way of thinking at one point or another. When it rains, the world is not punishing someone who had outdoor plans that day in the same way it isn’t rewarding someone who was wishing it would rain. It is simply raining.
The world was running before you were born and will continue running after you’re gone. You are blessed to be here experiencing life in this exact moment so enjoy it and don’t bother trying to control the uncontrollable.
Instead, use your time on this Earth to help other people reach their goals. Helping someone else will never truly hold you back in life. There is an infinite supply of success so contribute rather than trying to take.
Loosen up.Life is short and nothing is as serious or as bad as it may seem. Sometimes you’re in a situation that you can’t control. When you find yourself stressed, anxious or nervous, take a deep breath, sit back & relax into the situation, knowing that everything WILL work itself out in the end. It might not always be smooth sailing, but you’ll get through it.
Finally, remember that real life happens offline. Don’t spend the best years of your life plugged in. Get outside and explore. Travel. Spend time with loved ones. Make real memories that you’ll have for life.
My biggest goal in life has always been to find inner peace and keep it. Remember:
“There is ALWAYS a reason to smile and always a solution to a problem.”
I think about this whenever I feel overwhelmed, upset or stressed and it has never failed to cheer me up & give me the confidence to keep going.